Should you have a safe room in your home aspen homes for sale
Emergency preparedness is becoming increasingly common, and you shouldn’t feel like you’re doing something out of the ordinary when you protect yourself and your family. Although you won’t hear them frequently discussed, you’d be surprised at just how many of your neighbors have a “safe room” in their homes.

The Modern “Safe Room”

Modern safe room construction is on the rise and there are many options to choose from. Who knows—your next Aspen area home may already have one in it.
A safe room can protect you and your loved ones from intruders, natural disasters, and a number of other threats.
If you’re considering building a safe room in your home, you’ll naturally want to set a budget… and stick to it. After you’ve made your budgeting decisions, get in touch with a contractor who specializes in this area. Your contractor will help you decide on the best (and most structurally sound) options for your home.
Safe rooms can be built into existing spaces such as closets or spare bedrooms; they can even be tucked into the unused space beneath your staircase.
If the idea of a panic room makes you think of an ugly closet with some surveillance gear, you’ll be surprised at just how far these shelters have come. As they surge in popularity, designs get more extravagant—especially among Hollywood A-listers and other notable characters. You can decide on a basic bunker stocked with only necessary staples, or an impenetrable lair decked out with state-of-the-art technology and a handful of comfy couches.
Having a peace of mind and knowing your family is safe can make all the difference in how you enjoy your sanctuary. In addition, safe rooms can increase the value of your home… making a safe room a worthwhile investment.
Call us at 970-429-8275 or get in touch with us online to tell us what you want from your next home. We’ll begin searching Aspen real estate listings right away.