Privacy Rights Request Page

Welcome to our “Do Not Share My Personal Information” page for submitting privacy rights requests. Residents of states with applicable privacy laws are entitled to specific rights regarding their personal information, including the ability to opt-out of certain data practices and the right to access, correct, and/or delete their personal information.

Right to Opt Out of “Sales” and “Targeted Advertising”

You have the right to request that we do not share your personal information, including sensitive data, with third parties for their commercial purposes. We may share your personal information in ways that constitute “selling” or “targeted advertising,” such as:

  • Advertisements and Content Based on Cross-Site Tracking: Third parties, like ad exchanges and social media platforms, may serve you targeted ads and content based on your online activities. This tracking typically involves cookies and similar tools.
  • Marketing and Promotional Partners: We may share your contact information and other details with business partners for their advertising, marketing, and other commercial purposes.

Even if you opt out, you may still see certain ads on our sites and mobile apps, and some data collection will still occur (e.g., for fraud prevention or service delivery).

Right to Limit the Use of Your Sensitive Personal Information

You may request that we only use or share your sensitive personal information for certain purposes, subject to applicable exceptions.

To submit an opt-out or limit-use request for sensitive personal information, please complete the form below with all required fields. Incomplete requests or insufficient information to verify your identity will require resubmission.

For more details on your privacy rights and our data practices, please review our Privacy Notice.

You may also submit your request by email. Please include your Full Name, Email address and Phone Number in your request.

Do Not Share My Personal Information

"*" indicates required fields

I am a (an)*

Select Request Type*
This notice supplements the information contained in our Privacy Policy and applies solely to clients, visitors, users, and others who reside in the State of California (“you” or “consumer” ).  Under the California Privacy Rights Act (“CPRA”), you have the right to request that we limit our disclosure or use of sensitive personal information (as defined by California law) to certain disclosures or uses specified by in the CPRA. Therefore, you may request us to limit the use of your sensitive personal information to only what is necessary for providing products or services or for purposes otherwise permitted by California law. To exercise your right, please choose an option below.
I would like to:
Use the checkboxes below to request us to provide or limit the use of your personal information.