Should You Choose an ARM or a Fixed-Rate Mortgage?

By |2021-05-22T01:15:50+00:00May 22nd, 2021|Blog, Financing|

If you're like many people financing a home in Aspen, there's a chance you're a bit overwhelmed with all your financing choices - and that's okay. There are dozens of loan products to choose from, but most mortgages come in two main types: adjustable-rate (ARM) and fixed-rate. So should you choose an ARM or a [...]

Mortgage Term Glossary for Aspen Homebuyers

By |2019-04-26T13:00:36+00:00April 26th, 2019|Aspen, Blog, Buying, Financing|

If you’ve never bought a home before, you’re going to be introduced to the world of mortgage lingo – and some of it is downright confusing. Before you begin shopping for the best rates on loans, have a peek at this mortgage term glossary. Mortgage Term Glossary for Aspen Homebuyers Adujstable-Rate Mortgage An adjustable-rate mortgage [...]