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Aspen Premier Properties, Berkshire Hathaway | Signature Properties

Should You Buy a Retirement Home BEFORE You Retire?

By |2016-08-30T10:00:48+00:00August 30th, 2016|Aspen, Blog, Buying, Resort Real Estate, Retirement|

For most people, it makes the most sense—financial and otherwise—to buy a retirement home while they’re still working. While it doesn’t sound like a “retirement” home if you buy it while you’re still working at the daily grind, it could be the smartest choice for you. Why You Should Buy a Retirement Home BEFORE You [...]

Colo. resort real estate sales topped $6 billion for 2014

By |2015-02-24T17:30:51+00:00February 24th, 2015|Aspen Real estate news, Resort Real Estate|

As hot as the Aspen-area real estate market was in 2014, it wasn’t the hottest among top Colorado mountain resorts, according to a new report. Land Title Guarantee Co. examined Pitkin, Eagle, Garfield, Grand, Summit, Routt and San Miguel counties as part of its annual review of ski-country real estate performance. It found that only [...]

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