When you buy a bigger home for sale in Aspen, it’s exciting – you’re “moving up.” But even if you’re tired of having your home office in the dining room and your living room double as a gym, there are five big pitfalls to avoid when you’re upsizing.
5 Mistakes to Avoid When You Buy a Bigger Home in Aspen
It’s important to avoid these mistakes when you upsize your home:

  1. Rushing to buy a bigger place
  2. Overestimating how much room you need
  3. Forgetting to look at the long-term picture
  4. Settling because of price
  5. Overspending on items for your new place

Here’s a closer look at each.
Mistake #1 to Avoid When You Buy a Bigger Home: Rushing to Buy a Bigger Place
Buying a bigger home – commonly called upsizing – is a big decision, and there’s no reason to rush into it, even if you feel cramped in your existing house. You don’t have to hurry. Your Aspen REALTOR® will be there with you every step of the way to ensure that you’re getting just the right space.
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Mistake #2 to Avoid When You Buy a Bigger Home: Overestimating How Much Room You Need
Before you start your house-hunt, take a look around your current space and figure out why it feels so cramped. Are the walls making it feel closed-off and too-cozy, or are the rooms simply too small? Would you prefer a more open floor plan, or are there too many people living in one space? Knowing exactly what’s wrong with your current home will help you search smarter for your next one. (Just make sure you tell your REALTOR what you’re looking for – he or she will be able to help you narrow your search.)
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Mistake #3 to Avoid When You Buy a Bigger Home: Forgetting to Look at the Long-Term Picture
When you buy a home, it’s always important to look at how your life might change in the next five, ten or even twenty years. Will your family size change? Will you retire and spend more time at home (and have more time for maintenance and upkeep)? Be realistic about how long you’ll stay in your next home, as well as how your life may change, before you settle on a specific house.
Related: Rent or buy a house in Aspen: What’s right for you?
5 mistakes to avoid when you buy a bigger home in aspen
Mistake #4 to Avoid When You Buy a Bigger Home: Settling Because of Price
When you find a great deal, your REALTOR will encourage you to make an offer quickly – but make sure you’re not settling for something you don’t really want because it’s a “steal.” The right home is worth paying what you intended to pay, so make sure you discuss exactly what you need (and what you want) with your REALTOR before you jump on something that may not be the best fit for you.
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Mistake #5 to Avoid When You Buy a Bigger Home: Overspending on Items for Your New Place
A bigger house needs bigger furniture, doesn’t it? Not necessarily. Don’t fill your new home with brand-new furnishings just because. It’s smarter – and more cost-effective – to wait until your current furnishings are no longer usable before you scrap them and start fresh, even if they do look a little small in your new home.
Related: 5 things to look for in every bathroom while you tour homes in Aspen
Are You Selling or Buying a Home in Aspen?
If you’re ready to sell your home in Aspen, Woody Creek, Basalt, Carbondale or Snowmass, we may be able to help you.
Get in touch with us right now to find out how much your home is worth – and discover how we’ll be able to help you sell it quickly and for top dollar.
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