Aspen Premier Properties, Berkshire Hathaway | Signature Properties
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Aspen Premier Properties, Berkshire Hathaway | Signature Properties

Common Services You Can Expect With Condo Ownership

By |2020-11-06T12:23:48+00:00November 6th, 2020|Blog, Condos, Tips|

If you’re buying a condo in Aspen or a nearby community, you’ll be part of a condo owners’ association. Condo buildings and complexes require residents to join and pay dues, and membership in the association has certain rights and responsibilities. Although every condo association is different, you can expect certain amenities and privileges to be [...]

3 Home Security Myths it’s Time to Stop Believing by 2021

By |2020-09-06T03:46:07+00:00September 6th, 2020|Blog, How-To, Tips|

If you’re like most people, home security is one of your biggest concerns – and it should be, because residential theft makes up more than 70 percent of all theft. Unfortunately, though, people are stuck on believing a handful of home security myths that couldn’t be farther from the truth. So what are they? This [...]