When you’re selling a home in Aspen, it’s important that it’s spotless – you want buyers to see that the whole space is clean and easy to maintain. But deep-cleaning a house takes quite a bit of time, so if you can’t hire professional cleaners to tackle the job before you list your home, use these 21 kitchen deep-cleaning tricks to get started.
21 Kitchen Deep–Cleaning Tricks to Use When You’re Selling Your Home
Check out these 21 kitchen deep-cleaning tricks to keep your space sparkling while it’s on the market.
Kitchen Deep-Cleaning Tip #1: Put Away All the Dishes
Before you dive into your kitchen’s deep-clean, wash and put away all your dishes. You need the dishwasher empty, anyway.
Kitchen Deep-Cleaning Tip #2: Wipe Down All the Countertops
Don’t start your deep-cleaning until you’ve cleared off and wiped down all your countertops. You’ll need a clean space on them when you’re working on your cabinets and drawers.
Kitchen Deep-Cleaning Tip #3: Take Out Everything That Doesn’t Belong in the Kitchen
Go through the room and take out everything that doesn’t belong. That includes bills in the drawers (and for that matter, nearly everything in the junk drawer). Find all these stray items new homes – the kitchen isn’t it.
Kitchen Deep-Cleaning Tip #4: Take All the Food Out of Your Pantry and Cupboards
Check the labels on everything and make sure there’s nothing expired. If anything is expired, toss it. While you’re there, check for things you know your family will never use – that can of beans or corned beef hash you kept meaning to cook probably isn’t going to make it to your dinner table, so consider making a donation at your local food bank.
Kitchen Deep-Cleaning Tip #5: Wipe Down Every Shelf With Cleaning Solution
Whether you use soap, bleach or something else, wipe down every shelf and the inside of the cabinet with your favorite cleaning solution.
Kitchen Deep-Cleaning Tip #6: Organize the Food as You Put it Away
When you put your food back in the pantry or cupboards, organize it so like items are together. You don’t have to alphabetize, but you do need to make sure the labels are facing the same way and that similar items are together (soups with soups, pastas with pastas – you get the picture). Put your oldest items in front so you don’t end up creating more waste later.
Kitchen Deep-Cleaning Tip #7: Empty Your Refrigerator
Do the same thing you did with your cabinets: Put all the food on the counter, clean the shelves and cubbies, and put everything back in an organized way. (Don’t do your freezer at the same time, though – you’ll unnecessarily rush.)
Kitchen Deep-Cleaning Tip #8: Get that Freezer
Ditto on the freezer – empty it all out and wipe down the shelves. If your shelves have frozen spills, run them under hot water for a quicker cleaning.
Kitchen Deep-Cleaning Tip #9: Wipe Down the Counters Again
There’s a good chance that you need to wipe down your countertops again, so give it a go before you move on to the next step.
Kitchen Deep-Cleaning Tip #10: Pull Out Pans, Plates and Cups
Take everything out of your storage cupboards and wipe down the inner surfaces (including inside the door). Put everything back neatly – mug handles facing the same direction – and in an organized way. Buyers can, and will, open your cabinets to see how much space is inside.
Pro Tip: If you find items you haven’t used in six months or more, consider donating them – or at least putting them in storage until you move into your new home. You want to show buyers that there’s plenty of cupboard space in your home.
Kitchen Deep-Cleaning Tip #11: Change Your Drawers
Give your drawers the same treatment you gave your pantry, refrigerator, freezer and storage cupboards.