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Aspen Premier Properties, Berkshire Hathaway | Signature Properties

Common Real Estate Contingencies

By |2017-05-24T16:00:30+00:00May 24th, 2017|Blog, Buying|

Whether you’re buying a luxury home for sale in Aspen, a ranch in Basalt, or a condo for sale in Snowmass, your Aspen Realtor® will build contingencies in your real estate purchase contract to protect you during the deal. What Are Contingencies? Contingencies are an “if this, then that” scenario. If something happens that would [...]

Lender’s Title Insurance vs. Owner’s Title Insurance

By |2017-05-22T10:00:10+00:00May 22nd, 2017|Blog, Buying|

When you buy a home, whether it’s a luxury home for sale in Aspen, a ranch in Basalt, or a condo for sale in Snowmass, you’ll have to pay for some form of title insurance—but it’s important that you know the differences between a lender’s title insurance policy and a homeowner’s title insurance policy. What [...]

Meet the Neighbors Before You Fall in Love With a House!

By |2017-05-18T10:00:48+00:00May 18th, 2017|Blog, Buying|

Whether you’re interested in buying a luxury home in Aspen, a ranch in Basalt, or a condo in Snowmass, one thing’s for sure: You’ll want to get to know the neighbors (or at least become familiar with the neighborhood) before you fall in love with a specific house. Checking Out Your New Neighborhood It’s always [...]

Should You Replace the Windows in Your Home Before You Sell It?

By |2017-05-15T10:00:18+00:00May 15th, 2017|Blog, Sellers|

Whether you’re selling a luxury home in Aspen, a ranch in Basalt, or a condo in Snowmass, you’ll want to maximize its value before you put it on the market. Many homebuyers wonder whether they should update the kitchen, improve the bathroom, or even replace the windows in a home before putting it on the [...]