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Aspen Premier Properties, Berkshire Hathaway | Signature Properties

Thinking About Renovating? These Improvements Could Increase Your Property Value

By |2019-06-13T13:00:23+00:00June 13th, 2019|Blog, Sellers, Staging|

A lot of people think about renovating their homes before they put them on the Aspen real estate market - and if you're one of them, here's what you need to know. Thinking About Renovating? These Improvements Could Increase Your Property Value If you're on the lookout for ways you can improve your home to [...]

3 Maintenance Tasks to Tackle Before You Sell

By |2019-06-06T13:00:19+00:00June 6th, 2019|Blog, Home Upgrades, How-To, Sellers|

When you're selling your home in Aspen, make sure you keep up with these three essential maintenance tasks. 3 Maintenance Tasks to Tackle Before You Sell These maintenance jobs are must-do items on your list before you call a real estate agent to sell your home: Keep up with the landscaping Check the gutters and [...]

4 Quick Home Fixes Before You Sell

By |2018-03-08T13:00:27+00:00March 8th, 2018|Blog, Sellers|

If you’re putting your home on the market in Aspen, you’re probably always on the lookout for quick improvements you can make to boost its marketability. The good news is that you can do all four of these quick fixes in just one weekend – and you’ll be able to wow potential buyers without putting [...]