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Aspen Premier Properties, Berkshire Hathaway | Signature Properties

Contingencies in Real Estate Contracts: Everything You Need to Know

By |2020-08-22T03:45:57+00:00August 22nd, 2020|Appraisal, Blog, Buying, Mortgages, Sellers|

Buying a home in Aspen is a big deal – but for most people, the terminology gets a bit confusing. One thing you’re likely to hear (and possibly even read about in your own contract, whether you’re buying or selling) is the term contingency. So what is a contingency in real estate, and what kind [...]

Can You Use an Inspection Report to Negotiate on a Home You Want to Buy?

By |2020-06-13T16:48:45+00:00June 13th, 2020|Blog|

When a seller accepts your offer on a home for sale in Aspen, your next step is to hire a home inspector. Your inspector will go through the house looking for any issues that could affect your decision – and he or she will be on the hunt for defects. If your inspector uncovers any [...]

Common Real Estate Contingencies

By |2017-05-24T16:00:30+00:00May 24th, 2017|Blog, Buying|

Whether you’re buying a luxury home for sale in Aspen, a ranch in Basalt, or a condo for sale in Snowmass, your Aspen Realtor® will build contingencies in your real estate purchase contract to protect you during the deal. What Are Contingencies? Contingencies are an “if this, then that” scenario. If something happens that would [...]