5 tips to minimize your risk if youre moving during the coronavirus pandemicSometimes life throws you a curveball – and the coronavirus pandemic certainly counts. If you’re like many people, you’re scheduled to move before we get a handle on coronavirus… and that means you’ll probably want to take a few extra precautions when it’s time to pack up and go. Here are five things you can do to minimize your risk if you’re moving during the pandemic.

5 Tips to Minimize Your Risk if You’re Moving During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Check out these tips:

  1. Drive instead of fly
  2. Ask movers about their COVID-19 procedures
  3. Use new cardboard boxes that you pack on your own
  4. Plan your move with 72 hours before a move-in
  5. Disinfect all the points of contact in both homes

Here’s a closer look at each.

Drive Instead of Fly

If you can, it’s wise to avoid air travel right now. If you must fly, try to get a seat as far away from other passengers as you can. The longer your flight is, the higher risk you face. Wear a mask and wash your hands as frequently as you can.

Ask Movers About their COVID-19 Procedures

Call your movers and find out what types of precautions they’re using while they’re on the job. Make sure they’re following sanitation guidelines – at least those issued by the Centers for Disease Control – and requiring workers to wear masks while they’re in people’s homes.

Use New Cardboard Boxes

If you’re hiring a moving company for a pack-out, they’ll bring new boxes – but if you’re packing yourself, only use new boxes that you’ve left in the garage for a day or two.

Time Your Move Safely

If it’s possible – and we know it’s not for everyone – schedule your move so that the movers can drop off all your belongings in your new home and you show up 72 hours later to unpack. During that time, the virus that causes COVID-19 will likely die off on most surfaces.

Disinfect Everything in Both Homes

While you’re moving between homes, make sure to frequently disinfect high-touch areas. That means doorknobs, light switches, faucets and bathroom fixtures should get extra attention. And before you start unpacking things in your new home, make sure you’ve carefully sanitized everything you can.

Are You Selling or Buying a Home in Aspen?

If you’re ready to sell your home in Aspen, Woody Creek, Basalt, Carbondale or Snowmass, we may be able to help you.
Get in touch with us right now to find out how much your home is worth – and discover how we’ll be able to help you sell it quickly and for top dollar.
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